Twentieth Century and Good Will Funds, 1939 Box 60, Folder 1022 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960Financial Records, GeneralTreasurer's office, 1941-1953
Twentieth Century Fund, Application to, 1929-1934 Box 115, Folder 2653 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960Human Welfare Group, 1929-1931
U, 1938-1939 Box 29, Folder 470 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960Departmental CorrespondenceNeurophysiology, Department of
U miscellaneous, 1935-1952 Box 98, Folder 2318 - 2319 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960General Correspondence
Undergraduate Medical Club, 1937-1942 Box 182, Folder 3728 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960Yale University, 1915-1944
Undergraduates: Insurance vs. Cost of Illness, 1935-1939 Box 182, Folder 3729 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960Yale University, 1915-1944
Underhill, F.P., 1930-1937 Box 76, Folder 1414 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960Financial Records - Fluid Research Fund, 1945-1947Surgery
Underliff, 1938-1939 Box 136, Folder 2991 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960OrganizationsConnecticut State Medical Society (cont'd.), 1939-1944Committee on Personnel Study, 1939-1940
Unidentified Correspondence, 1919-1952 Box 100, Folder 2389 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Deans George Blumer, Milton C. Winternitz, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Francis G. Blake, and Cyril N. H. Long, 1888-1960General Correspondence
United Automobile Workers (UAW), 1961 Box 89, Folder 273 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Medicine, Yale University, records of the dean, 1888-1987Records of Vernon W. Lippard, 1936-1976VII. CORRESPONDENCE WITH VARIOUS MEDICAL ORGANIZATIONS, 1940-1966