Prechac, Yves. Pollution of the Mill River: A Chemical Survey., 1971-1971 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980Student papers and maps for Combined Sciences (87b) with Prof. Charles Walker, 1971-1980Papers
"Problem Analysis for a Program of Cooperative Research in Intensive Plantation Forestry i n India and the United States." CEO., 1974-1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980Publications and Talks by Carl E. Ostrom
Prof. Deubeis Plant Physiology Class: photo, negative, list of names., 1930-1930 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980Clippings, biographical notes of faculty, historical papers, etc.
Prof. Hawley's exams on Treatment of Woodland, 1918-1925 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980Clippings, biographical notes of faculty, historical papers, etc.
Program descriptions Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980ScrapbooksYale Forestry School exams, schedules, special events from 1900-1909
Publications and Talks by Carl E. Ostrom Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980
Publicity materials commemorating the school's centennial, 1999-2001 Box 1 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope No inventory available. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006
"Public Welfare in Relation to Conservation of Natural Resources'', HSG., 1923-1923 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980Clippings, biographical notes of faculty, historical papers, etc.Miscellaneous letters and publications of H. S. Graves
Public Works, Washington. 1933 Appointed H. S. Graves to Mississippi Valley Committee of FEAPW. 1934 Announcement of H. S. Graves designation by the president to be a member of the Technical Subcommittee on Water Flow in the western Mississippi region. Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980Clippings, biographical notes of faculty, historical papers, etc.Autographs of famous foresters and lumbermen from Dean Graves, 1944. Includes many letters from U. S. lumber company owners and representatives.
Quinnipiac River Basin water quality survey data and map of sewage treatment plants and survey stations. (2 copies), 1973-1973 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, records, 1905-2006Papers and records, 1905-1980Student papers and maps for Combined Sciences (87b) with Prof. Charles Walker, 1971-1980Papers