Correspondence, writings, diaries, photographs, artwork, research materials, printed materials, and other papers by, to, or related to Samuel Steward. Correspondents include Gertrude Stein, Alice B. Toklas, George Platt Lynes, and Thornton Wilder. Writings include drafts of homoerotic novels written under the nom de plume Phil Andros, and a translation of Querelle of Brest by Jean Genet. A focus of the papers is Steward's sexual exploits, which are documented in diaries, photographs, and other papers, including Steward's stud file cataloging his sexual partners and records and writings produced for sexologist Alfred Kinsey. The papers also include writings, photographs, clippings, artwork, and other materials related to Steward's work as a tattoo artist, including correspondence from Don Ed Hardy. Artwork includes pen and ink tracings of illustrations by Jean Cocteau, for Genet's Querelle, a portrait of Gertrude Stein by Carl Van Vechten inscribed by Stein, and a charcoal portrait of Alice B. Toklas.