Cows, 1977 Box 2016.0003_5 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series I: Project Files
"Dagsmeja," Emma Transtromer sings Thomas Transtromer, 2011 Disk 2016-0003/CD4 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Published recording of poems by Thomas Transtromer, sung by Emma Transtromer. view more view less Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series III: Tomas Transtromer
Dates of Composition, 2014-08-10 Box 2016-0023_3 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope A list created by Samuel Charters that indicates when, and occassionally where, a number of his poems were first composed. view more view less Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series I: Project Files
David Mahler, Joe Lamb play, bulk 1959, 2000 Box 2016-0023_3 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Includes the script of "Lamb," by David Mahler (2000) and a letter from Mahler to Ann Charters (2000), and a photocopy of a letter from Mahler to Samuel and Ann Charters (1959). view more view less Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series IV: CorrespondenceSubseries B: Correspondence with Poets and Artists
Days, or Days as Thoughts in a Season's Uncertainties, 1967 Box 2016.0003_2 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Manuscript and sample pages of "Days, or Days as Thoughts in a Season's Uncertainties," published by Oyez. view more view less Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series I: Project FilesDays, or Days as Thoughts in a Season's Uncertainties, 1967
Days, or Days as Thoughts in a Season's Uncertainties, 1967 Box 2016-0023_3 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Published version of Days, or Days as Thoughts in a Season's Uncertainties, by Samuel Charters. view more view less Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series I: Project FilesDays, or Days as Thoughts in a Season's Uncertainties, 1967
Days, or Days as Thoughts in a Season's Uncertainties, 1967 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series I: Project Files
"Democracy's Poet: Walt Whitman, A Celebration", 1992 Box 2016.0003_3 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series I: Project FilesLiterature and Its Writers, 1840-2008
Denander Proofs, 2011 Box 2016-0023_2 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Proofs of Henry Denander's "POETraits," with a foreword by Samuel Charters. The text of Charters's foreword is not included in the proof. view more view less Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series IV: CorrespondenceSubseries B: Correspondence with Poets and Artists
Draft of Baltics translations, 1974 Box 2018-0075_3 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Samuel Charters Literary Manuscripts, 1950s - 2013Series III: Tomas TranstromerBaltics/Ostersjoar, 1973-2015