Report from Alksnis to Voroshilov (copies to Unshlikht, Shaposhnikov, Baranov, Uborevich and Berzin) on [his] participation in military-air games in the city of Beyreuth, Germany. Original.
Report from Kurkov, Dep. Chief of the Naval Forces of the Red Army, to the Directorate of Affairs of the RVS on the extent of technical assistance from the firms Atlas Werke and Elektroakustik. Original.
Report from K.Ye. Voroshilov to the Politburo I.V. Stalin on the speeding up of the abrogation of the contract for the delivery of bombers with the German firm Junkers, in connection with the systematic non-fulfillment of their contractual obligations. Copy.
Report from R.A. Muklevich, Dep. Chief of the VVS of the Red Army, to L.D. Trotskii on the reasons for the abrogation of the contract with Junkers. Certified copy.
Report from V.I. Zof, Chief and Commissar of the Naval Forces of the Red Army, to the RVS on a visit of Leningrad and Baltflot with foreign representatives.
Report from V. Stomaniakov, the commercial representative of the RSFSR in Germany, to G.L.Piatakov, Chairman of the Main Concessionary Committee, on new proposals from German concerns and firms for concessions. Original.