Memo report of the Main Concessionary Committee in the SNK USSR (Glavkontsesskom) to the Politbiuro TsK [hereafter Politburo] I.V. Stalin on the necessity for revising the contract concluded with Junkers. Original.
Memo report from the concessionary department of the Directorate of the VVS to K.Ye. Voroshilov, Chairman of the RVS USSR on the contract with Junkers; with attached information on the main disagreements between the drafts of the contract from the company and from Glavkontsesskom. Certified copy.
Memo report N° 028909/ss. from Ya.K. Berzin to K.Ye. Voroshilov on the necessity for regulating the pay of official representatives of the Red Army at the joint enterprises in Kazan and Lipetsk. Original with a resolution by Voroshilov.
Memo report N°029157/ss. to Voroshilov on the acquainting of a group of Red Army officers with the means of communication of the Reichswehr. Copy with a resolution by Voroshilov.
Memo report N° 031014/ss. from Berzin to Shaposhnikov concerning a question raised by the Currency Directorate of the NKF USSR on weapons that were seized by the Germans after the armistice at Brest. Original.
Memo report N° 0427381/ss. from Ya.K. Berzin, Chief of the 4th Directorate of the Red Army Staff, to I.S. Unshlikht, Dep. Chairman of the RVS USSR on the official trip of IP. Uborevich to Germany. Certified copy.
Memo report N° 2070/2526 ss. from A.P. Rozengol'ts, the main chief of the Air Fleet of the Republic to E.M. Sklianskii with a conclusion on the entry of Dobrolet into Deruluft, an air service implemented between Moscow and Germany. Original.
Memo report N° 3365 ss. from P.I. Baranov, head of the Directorate of Military Air Forces, to Frunze on the terms of the serial order for airplanes and the introduction of changes into the concessionary contract with Junkers; with a protocol of a meeting at the UVVS from 30 May 1925 on this question as an enclosure. Original.