Memorandum from the concessionary department of the VVS Directorate to the head of the UVVS with conclusions on the course of talks with Junkers concerning the introduction of changes into the contract on collaboration. Copy.
Memorandum N° 2292/55 from Shleifer, member of the board of the Narkomat of Trade of the USSR, to I.S. Unshlikht on the requests of the Narkomvoenmor [Voroshilov] for Heinkel airplanes and BMW motors. Original.
Memorandum N° 34515s. from Khaskin, the temporary head of the Military Finance Directorate, to Baranov on agreement with a scheme of the STO USSR to allot a subsidy to Junkers for construction work. Original.
Memorandum N° 47872 from the Main Inspector of the Civil Air Fleet to the visa department of the NKVD with a supportive petition by Kuksin. Certified copy.
Memorandum N° 65/25ss. from Ya.M. Fishman to K.Ye. Voroshilov on the preparation for the forthcoming arrival of a groups of German specialists for chemical tests. Original.
Memorandum N° 7848 from Dep. Narkom of Foreign Affairs M.M. Litvinov to E.M. Sklianskii on the forthcoming talks between RSFSR and Germany on the question of prize and embargo courts. Resolutions of E. Sklianskii.
Memorandum N° 8002/s. from the Directorate of the Military Air Forces to the Legal-Statistical Department of the Main Directorate of the Red Army on the question of the assignment of a Glavkontsesskom credit of 1 million rubles for Junkers. Original.
Memorandum N° I/132s. from I.S. Unshlikht to M.M. Litvinov, the NKID, with conclusions on the possible participation of German capital in the USSR's far eastern air service. Certified.