Letter from Putna to Voroshilov on the possibility granted by General Hammerstein for studying staff work in the Reichswehr. Original with a resolution by Voroshilov.
Letter from Stachevskii to A.P. Rozengol'ts on the conditions of work by Junkers. 6 September, cover letter from A.P. RozengoI'ts to L.D. Trotskii. Copy.
Letter from the commander of the UVO to K.Yeo Vorshiloy on the need to send P.P. Lebedev, the former Chief of the Red Army Staff, on an official trip to Germany for medical treatment. Original.
Letter from the Junkers representative to Frunze with proposals on the introduction of changes into the contract on collaboration with the firm; with a cover memorandum to Glavkontsesskom. Original in German. Translation in Russian.
Letter from the Junkers representative to M.V. Frunze and L.D. Trotskii, chairman of the Glavkontsesskom, on the speeding up a decision of the question of introducing changes into the contract on collaboration that was concluded earlier. Original in German; translation into Russian.
Letter from the representative of Junkers to the directorate of the Red Air Fleet concerning talks on the organization of a joint air route Moscow-Kharkov-Rostov-Tblisi. Copy.
Letter from Victor Kopp, representative of the RSFSR for prisoner ofwar affairs in Germany, to L.D. Trotskii, Chairman of the RVS, on the possibility of transfeiring 5 airplanes from Germany to Russia. Autograph.
Letter from Viktor Kopp on presence in Germany of a group of volunteers (former submarine commanders) desiring to enter into service in Russia. Resolution of L.D. Trotskii. Original.