A suggestion for an alternative English 105 course which would serve students-- such as those who can be identified from experience in the UCONN summer program--who need extensive work in writing, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
Syllabus English 276 Fall 1969, 1969 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
Syllabus English 290, Spring 1969 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
Syllabus for Human Variation and Origins Interdepartmental 195 course, Spring 1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
Teacher Program Evaluation, 1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
Teachers of Writing Intensive W Course Past Present and Future workshop, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
The University of Connecticut Department of Sociology Course Syllabus, African Americans and social protest, 1992 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
White Racism Course Description Sociology 298, Fall 1996 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
Workshop on Social Class in the classroom, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated
Series V: Syllabi and Course Materials, 1968-1996, undated Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Rufus A. Blanshard Papers, 1960-2004