Some heretics / Calvin Box 63, Folder 1011 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Illustrations / Artwork, undatedTopical Sequence of Illustrations
Sources Box 39, Folder 565 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Notes / Source Materials, undatedTopical sequenceDesiderius Erasmus
Sources, list of letters received re: book, 1948 Box 12, Folder 201 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Writings / Talks, 1914-1988MonographsThe Martin Luther Christmas Book
Spain Box 46, Folder 675, 676 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Notes / Source Materials, undatedTopical sequence
Spain Box 51, Folder 742 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Notes / Source Materials, undatedTopical sequenceWomen of the Reformation
Spalla, Lawrence A.: "How is Roland Bainton's view of Martin Luther and the Reformation shaped by his own background?", 1979 Box 71, Folder 1086 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Collected Material, 1956-1983Writings by others
Spanish-Latin America (bibliography) Box 46, Folder 674 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Notes / Source Materials, undatedTopical sequence
St. Augustinus Box 31, Folder 461, 462 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Course-Related Materials, undatedBibliographiesBy Bainton
St. Bartholomew's Day / Joachin Prophecy Box 66, Folder 1039 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Illustrations / Artwork, undatedTopical Sequence of Illustrations
Stevens, George B. Box 56, Folder 898 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Roland Herbert Bainton Papers, 1886-1988Illustrations / Artwork, undatedCaricatures / sketches of individuals by Bainton