This series comprises materials documenting the personal information, early life, and family history of Anderson. Biographical materials cover aspects of his life from childhood to his death and include address books, diaries, obituaries and biographical sketches, passports, and religious texts. Correspondence in this series cover a diverse range of subjects. Much of it is with family and friends, but there is a significant amount that focuses on business and community affairs, such as his law practice, properties, and his work with the Marine Historical Society in Mystic, Connecticut. Materials related to his education cover all levels from primary school to post-secondary, with the bulk of materials related to Yale College and Yale Law School. Yale College materials contain coursework and Yale publications while Yale Law School materials almost entirely consist of handwritten class notes. Materials related to his military service focus on his time in the Coast Guard Reserve during World War II and mainly consists of training materials, orders and post assignments, and activities at his different posts, including New London, Connecticut, Portsmouth, England, and Bizerte, Tunisia. There is also a small number of materials related to honors and military awards received, including the Order of the British Empire from the United Kingdom. Finally, there are personal photographs and scrapbooks, mainly of newspaper articles covering events involving Anderson. Materials are from 1880 to 2014, with the bulk from 1927 to the mid-1960s.