Committee on Animal Experimentation, 1925-1932 Box 56, Folder 1072-1073 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967American Psychological Association, 1910-1954
Committee on Classification of Military Personnel Box 73, Folder 1397 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967National Research CouncilDivision of Anthropology and Psychology, 1925-1947
Committee on Classification of Personnel, 1917-1919 Box 94, Folder 1785-1786 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967War: World War I
Committee on Clinical Psychology, 1944-1947 Box 105, Folder 1970 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967Yale UniversityPsychology Department
Committee on Further Use of Army Data, 1919-1926 Box 76, Folder 1443 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967National Research Council
Committee on History of Psychology and the War, 1948-1948 Box 76, Folder 1432 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967National Research CouncilDivision of Anthropology and Psychology
Committee on History of Psychology in Autobiography, Vol. IV, 1949-1952 Box 57, Folder 1077-1082 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967American Psychological Association, 1910-1954
Committee on History of the National Research Council, 1944-1951 Box 76, Folder 1430 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967National Research CouncilDivision of Anthropology and Psychology
Committee on Incorporation, 1923-1925 Box 56, Folder 1070 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967American Psychological Association, 1910-1954
Committee on International Auxiliary Language, 1921-1921 Box 76, Folder 1444 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Robert Mearns Yerkes papers, 1822-1985Subject Files, 1893-1967National Research Council