Joel, Günther Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948
Justice Case Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948
Klemm, Herbert Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948
Labour Monthly, 1947 November Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948
Lautz, Ernest Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948
List of documents from Major War Criminals Trial, undated Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948
Mettgenberg, Wolfgang Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948
Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948 Box 9 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope [subjects include: notes [Campaign in Russia], legal documents [American Military Tribunal document book] transcripts [court appeals, cases] view more view less Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948
Oeschey, Rudolf Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948
Pages (loose), undated Box 19, Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Robert D. King Papers, undated, 1914 - 1970, bulk 1939 - 1948Military Tribunal III -- Notes, legal documents, transcripts, undated, 1914, 1939- 1948, bulk 1939 - 1948