This series begins with Photos, which contains images of Minsky and book artists such as Tom Phillips, Dikko Faust, Joni Mabe, and others. Early examples of his photography are found here in the form of his 1960s negative files. Pre-College covers Minsky's early school years, from elementary through high school, and contains ephemera such as aptitude tests, certificates of merit, early photography and contributions to the Richmond Hill High School paper, The Domino. Junior Astronomy Club activities from this time, including photos and newsletters, are located under "Biographical - Other Interests." Of special note in that section is a fake press pass (for Junior Astronomy Club News) that Minsky printed to photograph President Lyndon B. Johnson during a visit to New York. College documents are comprised of economics papers and acceptance and scholarship letters, as well as a certificate from Brown for completing Daniel Knowlton's hand bookbinding course in 1969. One of the largest sections in this series is Exhibition Announcements & Media Coverage. These folders are arranged by date. Articles about Minsky, announcements or coverage of his shows, and VHS tapes of television appearances are located here. Book Arts Ephemera includes material collected by Minsky documenting the book arts such as catalogs for Book Arts programs, exhibitions, and small press sales. Book Arts Organizations folders present an overview of the organizations that Minsky was a part of throughout his career, primarily the Center for Book Arts. Newsletters and ephemera are included. Art Events folders contain postcards and flyers from shows that Minsky attended or received notice of, spanning the 70s through the present. There are also various works that he collected for himself, including parts of the Tom Phillips book A Humument, under Work By Others.