American Tobacco Company - Sold American! - The First Fifty Years, 1904-1954, 1954 Box 40, Folder 517 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]BibliographicAdditional materials
Ames, Helen, 1977, 1983 Box 1, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Research and Interview Files
"An Analysis of 'R.J. Reynolds' Position Paper on the Health Effects of Smoking'" [John Slade], 1986-1987 Box 23, Folder 323 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]Health/scientific aspects
Andrews, Bert Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Research and Interview Files
Annals Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Subject Files
Annual reports, 1954-1966 Box 24, Folder 463 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Subject FilesLabor RelationsBogart
Annual reports, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1993 Box 10, Folder 124 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Antismoking movement Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]
Anti-smoking radio commercials, 1968-1970 [by advertiser Tony Schwartz; audio], 1988 1 Audiocassette Box 43.2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]Audio-Visual materials
Appendix, 1931-1994 Box 13, Folder 152-154 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]Tobacco industry filesMarketing