Stop Teenage Addiction to Tobacco (STAT) Speaker's Guide and Slide Collection [By Joe B. Tye], 1991 Box 30, Folder 400 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]Antismoking movement
Stop Teenage Addiction to Tobacco (STAT), [Tye, Joe B.], 1985-1990, 1993 Box 29, Folder 399 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]Antismoking movement
Storr, Hans G., 1989-1991 Box 7, Folder 96 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]Philip Morris CompanyInterviews/biographical
Stowe, Leland, 1922-1983 Box 12, Folder 295 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Research and Interview Files
Straus, Jack, 1982-1982 Box 12, Folder 296 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Research and Interview Files
Strauss, Peter, 1991 Box 23, Folder 307 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Additional MaterialCompany files [contents vary from folder to folder, but may include correspondence, printed materials, working papers, biographical information, and Kluger interview materials]Personal interviews [non-industry, includes surgeons, pathologists, statisticians, lawyers, etc.]
Streeter, Frank, 1982-1982 Box 12, Folder 297 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Research and Interview Files
Strike, 1962-1963 Box 14, Folder 317 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Research and Interview FilesThayer Files
Subject Files Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995
Subject worksheets Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Richard Kluger papers, 1835-1995Subject Files