[Railroads on parade. Wheels through the night. Vocal score] Wheels through the night / music by Kurt Weill ; words by Charles Alan, [1939] [David Drew]. Box 29, Folder 408 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Music by Weill, 1913-1983Operas, Operettas, Musicals, and Ballets
Rapport, Victor A. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Correspondence, 1911-1980Correspondence - To Weill
Rapport, Victor A., 1947 Sep. 30 Box 47, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Correspondence, 1911-1980Drafts of Letters from Weill to Others
Re Brecht, 1959-1981 Box 91, Folder 113 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Loose Clippings, 1926-1982Miscellaneous Clippings
Recitations for Helen Hayes Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Music by Weill, 1913-1983Large-scale Vocal
Recitations for Helen Hayes Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Music by Weill, 1913-1983Arrangements
Recordare, 1963-1971 Box 87, Folder 53 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Loose Clippings, 1926-1982Works by Weill
Recordings and Books Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Clippings from Anna Krebs's Scrapbooks, 1930-1964
Recording shots in Hamburg, n.d. Box 63, Folder 110-11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Photographs, 1900-1981Lenya Recordings
Recordings of two or more works by Kurt Weill - by Lenya, 1956-1964 Box 97, Folder 60 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984Clippings from Anna Krebs's Scrapbooks, 1930-1964Recordings and Books