[Lost in the stars. Big Mole. Vocal score] Big Mole / music by Kurt Weill ; words by Maxwell Anderson. - New York Chappell, c1949. Box 15, Folder 255 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. Entr'acte] Entr'acte. Box 15, Folder 256 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. Gold] Gold. Box 15, Folder 256 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. He will be found (9A)] 9A : He will be found. Box 15, Folder 258 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. He will be found (9A)] He will be found : #9A. Box 15, Folder 257 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. He will be found] He will be found. Box 15, Folder 257 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. Hills of Ixopo. Text] Hills of Ixopo. Box 15, Folder 259 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. Libretto. German] Weite Weg = Lost in the stars : eine musikalische Tragödie nach Alan Paton's Roman "Cry the beloved country" / von Kurt Weill ; Buch von Maxwell Anderson ; Deutsche Fassung von Lys Bert Symonette. - Berlin : Musikverlag, c1960. Box 15, Folder 262 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. Libretto. German] Weit ist der Weg : Volksoper in 2 Akten / von Kurt Weill ; Text von Maxwell Anderson ; übersetzung ins Deutsche von Lys Bert Symonette. Box 15, Folder 262 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…
[Lost in the stars. Libretto] Lost in the stars : a musical tragedy (based on Alan Paton's novel "Cry, the Beloved Country") / music by Kurt Weill ; words by Maxwell Anderson. Box 15, Folder 260 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Register to the Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1890-1984…