Executive director's reports to the board, 1961-1962 Box 3, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series II, Office of the Executive DirectorSubseries 1, General subject files
Fact sheet, 1974 Box 28, Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series XI, Subject files
Family and children's services, Stamford, undated Box 28, Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series XI, Subject files
Federal admissions tax exemption, 1954-1960s Box 6, Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series III, Cases and case workSubseries 2, Cases
Federal textbook on citizenship, books 2 and 3, 1964 Box 10, Object 6-7 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series V, Immigration information and servicesSubseries 2, US Government forms and information
Federal unemployment compensation form #940, 1972 Box 21, Folder 37 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series VII, Finances (restrictions apply)Subseries 4, Subject files
Fee scale replies, 1966 Box 3, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series II, Office of the Executive DirectorSubseries 1, General subject files
Fee schedule, 1962-1964 Box 3, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series II, Office of the Executive DirectorSubseries 1, General subject files
Ferraria , Manuel J., 1948 Box 26, Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series X, Godparents of Italian War Orphans
Festival donations, 1968 Box 28, Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library Records of the International Institute, 1918-1983Series XI, Subject files