Saw mills and sawyers, 1922 Folder 723 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY
Scene near Cannon Station, undated Folder 616 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)HISTORIC BUILDINGS, LANDMARKS, SCENERY
Scenes of Wilton, 1970-1979 Folder 576 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)HISTORIC BUILDINGS, LANDMARKS, SCENERY
Schenck family, 1923 Folder 709 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PEOPLE AND FAMILIESS
Schenck family - House, undated Box P-OS-1, Object 64 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020HOUSES - MISCELLANEOUS
Schenck's Island Park, 2000 Folder 946 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)ENTERTAINMENT, RECREATIONS, SPORTS
Schlicting, Frank, undated Folder 376 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PEOPLE AND FAMILIESS
School Districts nos. 1 to 10, undated Folder 904 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)SCHOOLS
SCHOOLS Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)
School with students in Weston, undated Folder 226 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)SCHOOLS