Keeler, Alice Ruth, undated Folder 350 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PEOPLE AND FAMILIESK-L
Keeler Building / Hardware Store and Angelique, Inc., 1987 Folder 774 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY
Keeler, Elizabeth "Bessie" Louise, undated Folder 351 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PEOPLE AND FAMILIESK-L
Keeler family, undated Folder 347, 349 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PEOPLE AND FAMILIESK-L
Keeler General Store, Wilton Center, 1950 Folder 136 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020MISCELLANEOUS (BY TOPIC)BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY
Keeler, Katherine, undated Folder 352 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PEOPLE AND FAMILIESK-L
Keeler, Mrs. W. L., 1932-1943 Object 56 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SCRAPBOOKS
Keeler, Robert W. and Ruth Zelda (Raymond), undated Folder 348 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PEOPLE AND FAMILIESK-L
Keeler, William, undated Folder 353 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020PEOPLE AND FAMILIESK-L
Keiser family house, farm, and fields, 1950 Folder 103 Bookmark Collection Context Wilton Historical Society Photographs, 1860-2020HOUSES - MISCELLANEOUS