The series is arranged in nine subseries, starting with illustrations for: Books by Peter Newell; Books by Other Authors; Periodicals; Calendars; and Corporate Projects. Following those are Unidentified Drawings (having no identifiable citations); and drawings for Toys and Novelties. These subseries contain sketches and preparatory drawings (in pencil, ink and/or watercolor on paper, with some added charcoal and pastel) and final drawings (primarily watercolor, gouache and ink on paper mounted on paperboard). Dates given are dates of publication, and page numbers following folder titles reflect the illustration's place in the volume. When publication has not been verified, a date of creation is given with brackets to indicate if it is based on stylistic or circumstantial evidence. Series I, Boxes 13-16 and 242 hold samples of print pieces, clippings and tearsheets for work that appeared in print.