Whittier, John G., 1856 Box 35, Folder 1503A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903
Whittridge, Worthington (1820-1910), 1880-1887 Box 35, Folder 1504 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903
Wieland, George R., 1898 August-1898 September Box 35, Folder 1506 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903
Wieland, George R., 1898 October-1899 January Box 35, Folder 1507 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903
Wieland, George Reber (1865-1953), 1896-1898 Box 35, Folder 1505 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903
Wilcox, Benjamin, 1848-1853 Box 38, Folder 54 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899Marsh family, 1817-1900Family CorrespondenceCaleb Marsh
Wilder, Burt Green (1841-1925), 1875-1887 Box 35, Folder 1508 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903
Wilder, Thomas B., 1889 Box 35, Folder 1509 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903
Wiley, S.L., 1892 Box 35, Folder 1510 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903
Willcox, Joseph, 1890 Box 35, Folder 1511 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Othniel Charles Marsh papers, 1817-1899General correspondence, 1814-1903