8 p., with address. Various sizes. Invites Neve to join the Spalding Society and asks him to read and interpret two Latin manuscripts. Undated letters sends Pope Adrian IV's seal. Letters are accompanied by a fragment.
Inquires if any more copies of the Gloustershire plates wanted; orders antiquarian and new books; requests Cadell to present one of his own works to Henrietta Bowdler, Hannah More, et. al. ACC: 91.11.24 (43.242)
3 p. various sizes. On the payment of his bills for stationery. Presumably addressed to someone at the Treasury. William Blathwayt and Adam Cardonnel are mentioned.
Plans to present seals, et al. Replying to a letter, and a request for a Mr. Williams to survey some estates. Financial accountings. ACC: 44.179 (44.179)