3 p., with address. 23 x 36 cm. Concerns the publication of his edition of Robert Boyle's Occasional -- -- Reflections. Mentions that proofs have been sent off and the engraving received, and lays out a possible advertisement.
2 p., with address. 23 x 19 cm. Explains that he had not paid his bill because he thought he had a credit of L5. Offers to review for the Imperial Review.
Gifford requests final payment for his "Political Life" of William Pitt, 1759-1806, published in 6 vol. in 1809. Reply of Cadell and Davies transcribed on back. ACC: 79.6.26 (42.112)
Requesting accounting of monies paid to Dr. Banks and asking about submitted sermons. Annotated by C&D with account and refusal to publish sermons. Signed: "G. G. Baker." Acc.: 03.6.11