Detailed plan for his "Metamorphosis"
or "Melampus;" hopes to meet
Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas
Herring (1693-1757); Herring's
promotion of John Duncombe (1729-1786)
to rectory of St Andrews; Ridley's
descent from Bishop Nicholas Ridley
(1500?-1555); Newton's commentary on
Milton; Question of grammar with
reference to Milton's Paradise Regained;
opinions of various scholars, including
Richard Bentley (1662-1742), Sir
William Temple (1628-1699), and Charles
Boyle, 4th earl of Orrery (1676-1731)
who participated in the Battle of the
Books; mentions Robert? Dodsley (1703-1764).
ACC: 91.7.5 (43.165)