1) Receipt for a pension payment to Nicholas Tamson, manuscript on paper, signed by Pole and Tamson, 1599 Jan 26; 2) Fair copy of the testimony of Simon Ousley before William Pole, signed by Pole, 1616 Dec 1. Accompanied by engraved portrait of Pole. Acc.: 04.12.49
1 p. 31.5 x 21.5 cm. For payment of coat and conduct money. Signed by: Jo. Cant, Tho. Egerton, Notingham, G. Hunsdon, Ro. North, T. Buckehurst, W. Knollys, Ro. Cecyll, and J. Fortescue.
3 p. 35 x 23 cm. Expenses of repairs to the Tower of London, Somerset House, and palaces at Westminster, Greenwich, Hampton Court, Richmond and Oatlands, totaling over L678.
1 p. 31 x 21.5 cm. About defense against Spanish attack. Signed by: Tho. Egerton, T. Buckhurst, Notingham, G. Hunsdon, Ro. North, W. Knollys, Ro. Cecyll, and J. Fortescue.
1 p. 30 x 20 cm. Responds to Queen Elizabeth's request to search his writings for evidence of mistreatment of Tyrone, possibly precipitated by Spenser's A Briefe Note of Ireland.
Manuscript in an Italic hand of "Precepts from a Father to a Son" traditionally ascribed to Burleigh. This copy is addressed to "Sonne William" and attributed to Robert, Burleigh's eldest son. Docket marked: "looked over. 1783" Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 1563-1612. Conduct of life. ACC: 99.12.3