A Charge to the People, May 9, 1865 Box 8, Folder 75 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
Address at Bernis Hall, January 18, 1855 Box 8, Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
Address at Mr. Haven's funeral, May 3, 1876 Box 8, Folder 75 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
Address at the funeral of Captain Chas. M. Wheeler, July 26, 1863 Box 8, Folder 75 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
Address at the laying of the cornerstone of the Plymouth Church of Rochester., Sept. 8, 1833 Box 8, Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
Address on the 200th anniversary of the first church in New London, Connecticut, October 19, 1870 Box 8, Folder 75 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
Address to pupils of Canandaigua Academy, July 1, 1845 Box 8, Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
Address to pupils of Ontario Female Seminary, June 10, 1846 Box 8, Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
American Poetry, March 22, 1843 Box 8, Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Lectures and Addresses
An Exegesis of Acts 26:28 Box 9, Folder 77 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Papers, 1826-1880Sermons, Addresses, and Writings, 1833-1876, n.d.Articles and exposition of Biblical texts