Acc. 2014.9 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011
Acc. 2016-03-11-01/2016-09-02-01, 1974-2012, bulk Bulk 1987-2009 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011
Acc. II Unknown Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011
Acc. I Unknown Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011
All University Curriculum (AUC) Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
ALL University Curriculum (AUC) - Donald Davis Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
American Center for the Advancement of the Blind Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
American Council on Education (ACE) Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
American Council on Learned Societies (ACLS) Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
American Originals Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…