Presidential Communications Task Group, 2008 Box 6, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Project Kaleidoscope, 2004-2006 Box 6, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Psychology, A&S [Arts and Sciences], 1998-2004 Box 6, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Puerto Rico, 1995-2001 Box 6, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Recognition Day, 2010-2012 Box 6, Folder 14-16 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Regents - Ennisknupp financial reports and reviews, 2006-2007 Box 51, Box 52 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Regents - Finance Committee Meetings, 2005 Nov 4 - 2008 April 25 Box 48, Box 49 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Regents - Full Board Meeting, 2007 Feb 15 - Nov 30, undated Box 49, Box 50 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Regents - George Weis - Say Yes to Education (Acc. 2011.18) Box 51 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…
Regents - Guggenheim - Real Estate, 2007 Box 52 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Office of the President records, Circa 1980 - 2011…