Congress. House of Representatives. Friday Morning, Jan. 6, 1809. Speech of Mr. Moseley, On the question of passing to a third reading the bill for enforcing the Embargo. Volume 93, Pamphlet 21 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Considerations on the means of improving the militia for the public defence; in a letter to His Excellency Governor Trumbull / by D. Humphreys, 1803 Volume 54, Pamphlet 3 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to the British colonies in North America, 1774 Volume 15, Pamphlet 4 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Considerations on the slave trade; and the consumption of West Indian produce., 1791 Volume 67, Pamphlet 1 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati; lately instituted by the major-generals, brigadier- generals, and officers of the American army. Proving that it creates a race of hereditary patricians, or nobility. Interspersed with remarks on its consequences to the freedom and happiness of the republic. Addressed to the people of South-Carolina, and their representatives / by Cassius, ca. 1783 Volume 4, Pamphlet 3 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Considerations upon the act of Parliament, whereby a duty is laid of six pence sterling per gallon on molasses, and five shillings per hundred on sugar of foreign growth, imported into any of the British colonies. Shewing, some of the many inconveniencies necessarily resulting from the operation of the said act, not only to those colonies, but also to the British sugar-islands, and finally to Great-Britain, 1764 Volume 15, Pamphlet 1 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Considerations upon the expediency and the means of establishing a university in the City of New-York. Addressed to the citizens., 1830 Volume 61, Pamphlet 16 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Constitutional ordinance for the government of the Columbian Institute; as passed on the eleventh of October, 1820, and subsequently amended, ca. 1820 Volume 69, Pamphlet 18 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Constitution of the Algic Society, instituted March 28, 1832, for encouraging missionary effort in evangelizing the north western tribes, and promoting education, agriculture, industry, peace & temperance, among them. To which is annexed an abstract of its proceedings, together with the introductory address / by Henry R. Schoolcraft , Esq., president of the Society, 1833 Volume 69, Pamphlet 11 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
Constitution of the French Republic. Offered to the French people, by the National Convention; and ratified by the people, in primary assemblies met, 1795 Volume 35, Pamphlet 1 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…