A catalogue of those who have been members of the theological seminary, of the Presbyterian church, in the United states, located at Princeton, New-Jersey, together with the present officers and students., January, 1822 Volume 69, Pamphlet 5 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A century of sermon, or sketches or the history of the eighteenth century. Interspersed and closed with serious practical remarks. Delivered at North-Haven, January 1, 1801 / by Benjamin Trumbull , D.D., pastor of the church of North-Haven, 1801 Volume 43, Pamphlet [Unnumbered] Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A century sermon, delivered at Danbury January I. A.D. MDCCCI. Being the first day of the nineteenth century, since the Christian era. In which is exhibited, a brief view of the most remarkable events of the eighteenth century; with a sketch of the history of the Town of Danbury, from the first settlement, to the present time / by Thomas Robbins , A.M., candidate for the gospel ministry, ca. 1801 Volume 43, Pamphlet 4 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A century sermon, or sketches of the history of the eighteenth century. Interspersed and closed with serious practical remarks. Delivered at North- Haven, January 1, 1801 / by Benjamin Trumbull , D.D., pastor of the Church of North-Haven, 1801 Volume 57, Pamphlet 1 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A century sermon, or sketches or the history of the eighteenth century. Interspersed and closed with serious practical remarks. Delivered at North- Haven, January 1, 1801 / by Benjamin Trumbull , D.D., pastor of the Church of North-Haven, 1801 Volume 47, Pamphlet 1 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A century sermon, preached before the First Church in Windham, December 10, A.D. 1800. In commemoration of its institution, December 10, A.D. 1700. Containing historical facts, relative to its settlement and progress / by Elijah Waterman , minister of the First Church in Windham, 1801 Volume 43, Pamphlet 3 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A circular address from the Bible Society of Massachusetts. With the constitution, list of officers, trustees, &c, 1809 Volume 54, Pamphlet 1 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A concise summary of the second volume of the Olive branch, a book containing an account of Governor Chittenden's giving written instructions to Gen. Ira Allen in 1795, to purchase military stores in Europe, for the militia of the State of Vermont, of his purchase of 24 brass field pieces, 20,000 muskets furnished with bayonets in France, of his being captured by an English 74 gun ship, with consequences resulting therefrom. To which is subjoined, General Allen's circular letter, on the subject of a ship canal of commerce, and the advantage of British America in preserving peace between Great Britain and the United States. Including Gen. Allen's memorials to the Senate of the United States, of February 1805, and December 1806, and with other documents and letters to men of great respectability in Europe and America., 1807 Volume 80, Pamphlet 8 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A constitution, containing a bill of rights, and form of government, agreed upon by the delegates of the people of the State of New-Hampshire, in convention, held at Concord, on the first Tuesday of June 1783; submitted to, and approved of by the people of said state; and established by their delegates in convention, October 31, 1783., 1783 Volume 5, Pamphlet 3 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…
A continuation of the narrative of the Indian Charity- School, in Lebanon, in Connecticut; from the year 1768, to the incorporation of it with Dartmouth-College, and removal and settlement of it in Hanover, in the Province of New-Hampshire, 1771 / by Eleazer Wheelock , D.D., president of Dartmouth-College, 1771 Volume 33, Pamphlet 1 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837…