5. Occasional remarks: addressed to Nathaniel Brassey Halhed, M.P. in answer to his late pamphlet, entitled A calculation on the commencement of the millenium, &c. with cursory observations on that gentleman's speech in the House of Commons, March 31st, 1795, respecting the pretended prophecies of Richard Brothers / by George Horne , D.D., ca. 1795 Volume 49, Pamphlet 5 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
5. Report of the trial of Jason Fairbanks, on an indictment for the murder of Elizabeth Fales. At the Supreme Court, holden at Dedham, in the County of Norfolk, on Thursday the 6th, and Friday the 7th days of August, 1801., 1801 Volume 67, Pamphlet 5 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
5. The blessedness of dying in the Lord. A sermon, delivered at Hartford, January 23, 1810. At the funeral of Mrs. Amelia Flint, consort of the Rev. Abel Flint, who died of a consumption, January 19 / by Andrew Yates , pastor of the First Church in East-Hartford, ca. 1810 Volume 50, Pamphlet 6 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
A bone to gnaw, for the democrats; or, observations on a pamphlet, entitled "The political progress of Britain", 1795 Volume 21, Pamphlet 7 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
A brief account of the origin and progress of the Boston Female Society for Missionary Purposes. with extracts from the reports of the society, in May, 1817 and 1818, and extracts from the reports of their missionaries, Rev. James Davis, and Rev. Dudley D. Rosseter, ca. 1818 Volume 64, Pamphlet 16 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
A brief review of the "First annual report of the American Anti-Slavery Society, with the speeches delivered at the anniversary meeting, May 6th, 1834." Addressed to the people of the United States / by David M. Reese , M.D. of New York, 1834 Volume 74, Pamphlet 14 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
A brief statement of opinions, given in the Board of Commissioners, under the sixth article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, with Great Britain: with an appendix, containing certain articles of the treaties with Great-Britain;--the commissions under the said sixth article of the Treaty of Amity;--and references to opinions delivered by judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States / by One of the Commissioners under the said sixth article, 1800 Volume 36, Pamphlet 2 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
Absalom's conspiracy: a sermon, preached at the general election, at Hartford in the State of Connecticut, May 10th, 1798 / by Azel Backus , A.M., pastor of a church in Bethlem, 1798 Volume 28, Pamphlet 3 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
A catalogue of the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. August, 1826, 1826 Volume 62, Pamphlet 5 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes
A catalogue of the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. August, 1829, 1829 Volume 62, Pamphlet 21 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford Public Library Hartford History Center Noah Webster Pamphlet Collection, 1730-1837Volumes