Search Results
Correspondence, 1886-1957 Box 1, Folder 1-9
Herrick correspondence, 1926-1937 Box 53, Folder 1-6
Horr correspondence, 1916-1919 Box 53, Folder 7
Lutherans and Southern Baptists: conferences, 1910-1912 Box 1, Folder 10-12
Lutherans and Southern Baptists: conferences, 1910-1912 Box 2, Folder 1
Reports, 1902-1960 Box 1, Folder 13-24
Minutes, 1826-1946 Box 2, Folder 2-7
Minutes, 1936-1965 Box 3, Folder 1-18
Correspondence, 1828-1957 Box 3, Folder 19-32
Resolutions and ad hoc committee reports, 1829-1912 Box 3, Folder 33-38
Resolutions and ad hoc committee reports, 1913-1957 Box 4, Folder 1-6
Correspondence Box 4, Folder 7-51
Correspondence: incoming, 1826-1885 Box 5, Folder 1-19
Correspondence: incoming, 1886-1942 Box 6, Folder 1-13
Correspondence: outgoing, 1873-1888 Box 6, Folder 14-15
Correspondence: outgoing, 1888-1889 Box 7, Folder 1
Account books, 1855-1938 Box 11, Folder 1-5
Accounts, 1880- Box 24, Folder 1
Annual reports, 1825-1912 Box 7, Folder 2-16
Annual reports, 1913-1940 Box 8, Folder 1-6
Annual reports, 1941-1954 Box 9, Folder 1-4
Annual statement, 1869-1980 Box 24, Folder 2
Annuity matters, 1929-1953 Box 11, Folder 6
Audit reports, 1920-1953 Box 46, Folder 1-20
Cash book, 1885-1896 Box 11, Folder 7
Trial balance, 1907-1932 Box 24
Subject files: A-F, 1853-1957 Box 8, Folder 7-34
Subject files: F-S Box 10, Folder 1-56
Subject files: subscriptions and pledges, 1906-1918 Box 9, Folder 5
Contracts, deeds, mortgages, trusts, 1868-1956 Box 12, Folder 1-19
Taxes, correspondence, Veterans Bureau, 1919-1963 Box 13, Folder 1-5
Vouchers, 1825-1886 Box 12, Folder 20-22
Vouchers, 1831-1889 Box 13, Folder 6-23
Vouchers, 1890-1932 Box 14, Folder 1-2
Wills, Various Box 14, Folder 3
Collected committee reports, 1891-1907 Box 14, Folder 4
Buildings and Grounds Committee, 1893-1940 Box 17, Folder 1-15
Committee of Distribution, 1884-1894 Box 14, Folder 6
Committee of Nine, 1907- Box 14, Folder 7
Committee on Changes, 1845- Box 14, Folder 20
Committee on Nominations, 1895- Box 14, Folder 21
Committee on Scholarships, 1896- Box 14, Folder 22
Examining Committee, 1834-1946 Box 14, Folder 23-29
Executive Committee: minutes, 1854-1946 Box 14, Folder 30-34
Executive Committee: reports and correspondence, 1854-1913 Box 14, Folder 35-39
Executive Committee: reports and correspondence, 1913-1927 Box 15, Folder 1
Executive Committee: correspondence, 1915-1947 Box 15, Folder 2-8a
Executive Committee: obituaries, 1899-1912 Box 15, Folder 8b
Executive Committee: votes, 1860-1901 Box 15, Folder 8c
Faculty Committee: degree granting suggestions, no date Box 15, Folder 9
Faculty Committee: reports, 1836-1946 Box 15, Folder 10-20
Finance Committee, 1849-1941 Box 15, Folder 21-29
Gordon School Committee, 1897-1915 Box 15, Folder 36-38
Library Committee: correspondence, minutes, and reports, 1848-1947 Box 15, Folder 30-35
Bequests, 1800- Box 53, Folder 7-18
Lawsuit: NTI vs. Lucius L. Clarke, 1877-1878 Box 53, Folder 19
Scholarships, 1800- Box 53, Folder 20-31
Faculty meeting minutes (5 vols.), 1825-1932 Box 16, Folder 31-35
General: includes correspondence, reports, and circulars, 1830-1921 Box 18, Folder 1-7
Course documentation: lectures, course outlines, and syllabi, no date Box 18, Folder 8-26
General, 1837-1934 Box 25, Folder 1-3
Addresses, 1892-1923 Box 25, Folder 4-92
Applications, 1897-1911 Box 25, Folder 92-94
Applications, 1911-1944 Box 26, Folder 1-12
Lecture notes and recitations (by professor), 1894-1929 Box 26, Folder 13-14
Lecture notes and recitations (by professor), 1862-1894 Box 28, Folder 1-15
Lecture notes and recitations (by professor), 1825-1874 Box 29, Folder 1-11
Boarding Club, 1865-1885 Box 30, Folder 1-4
Boarding Club, 1945-1947 Box 30, Folder 1-4
Boarding Club, 1924-1931 Box 31, Folder 10-11
Evangelistic Band, 1928- Box 29, Folder 12
Knowles Rhetorical Society, 1832-1900 Box 29, Folder 13-16
Knowles Rhetorical Society, 1852-1876 Box 30, Folder 3
Messianic Prophecy, 1915- Box 29, Folder 17
Missionary Society, 1835-1903 Box 29, Folder 18-19
Society of Inquiry (includes photograph album), 1827-1871 Box 29, Folder 20-27
Society of Inquiry, 1838-1909 Box 31, Folder 1
Society of Inquiry: constitution and minutes, 1827-1911 Box 32, Folder 1-2
Student Association, 1926- Box 31, Folder 3
Student Volunteer Band, 1898-1924 Box 31, Folder 4-9
Student Papers, 1897-1939 Box 2, Folder 13-20
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