Miller, N.E. Letters re Animal Rights, 1982-83, 1926-2000 Box 50 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000
Miller, N.E. - Personal Correspondence [Maine, letters to public officials, letters re salary at Yale], 1959-1983 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000
Miller, N.E. - Reaction Formation, 1930-1939 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000
Miller, N.E. - Some Experiments on the Mechanisms of Motivation [NEM paper give in Russia and translated, printed in Russian journal], 1960-1961 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000
Miller - record data: dub, Sony 3600, 1973- 1 videotape (.5") Box 71 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000Audiovisual material
Miller, Roberts, and Delgado - learning motivated by electrical stimulation of brain (ESB) - cats 1 Film Reel (16mm) Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000Audiovisual material
[Miller:] "Some Animal Experiments Pertinent to Combining Psychotherapy with Drug Therapy" - #97, 1965-1965 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000
Miller - Some Motivational Effects of Brain Stimulation and Drugs [paper and talk in Chicago], 1960-1960 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000
Miller - Studies of fear as an acquirable drive: I. Fear as motivation and fear-reduction as reinforcement in the learning of new responses Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000
Miller - Theory and Experiment relating Psychoanalytic Displacement to S-R Generalization [photos, negs., diagrams] Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Neal E. Miller papers, 1926-2000