100. NRC Staff Response to Intervenors' Revised Statement of Contentions and Proposed Areas of Discovery, filed by Swanson, Turk, and Jones/NRC, 1982-1982 Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Programs and Projects. Nuclear, 1956-1984Clinch River Breeder Reactor…
101. Amendment to Notice of Appearance -- William M. Leech, Jr., William B. Hubbard, Lee Breckenridge, filed by Leech, Hubbard, and Breckenridge/State of Tennessee, 1982-1982 Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Programs and Projects. Nuclear, 1956-1984Clinch River Breeder Reactor…
102. Intervenors' 17th Set of Interrogatories and Request To Produce to the Applicants, filed by Greenberg/Weiss, Finamore/NRDC, 1982-1982 Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Programs and Projects. Nuclear, 1956-1984Clinch River Breeder Reactor…