Typescript "extracts from Rev. A. F. Waller's diary which starts November 8, 1833 and ends January 11, 1847..." Re. missions among Native Americans in Oregon, 1840-1847 Box 335, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals M-ZWaller, Alvan F.
Typescript journal covering the trip of the Istanbul American Hospital Relief Unit, in association with the Turkish Red Crescent's Society's 2nd Emergency Hospital sent to the Turkish earthquake zone, 1940 January-1940 February Box 334, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals M-ZShepard, Lorrin A.
Typescript list of Bellamy holdings in the Yale Divinity Library and Yale University Library, 1960 Dec 2 Box 179 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals A-LBellamy, Joseph
Typescript memoir "Pigtails: Autobiographical Sketches on Travels to China and Kenya and the life found there, 1932-1966", circa 1986 Box 53, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals M-ZWoodger, Harriet Mabel
Typescript sermons / talks, n.d. Box 329, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals A-LFroeberg, Peter
Typescript: "Some Unpublished Facts about Dartmouth College, the Revolution, and Yale: the Letters of Two Brothers, Rev. Nathaniel Eells and Edward Eells" Transcription of letters written in 1748, the originals of which were destroyed because regarded as dangerously conspiratorial by the authors Box 330, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals A-LEells Family
Typescript transcription of journal of the Rev. John Christian Wiltberger, agent of the American Colonization Society in Liberia (1820-1822); transcribed by E. E. Eells in 1969 from original in Library of Congress (418 pp. and appendices); Prayer book with notes owned by Rev. Christian Wiltberger Box 331, Folder 3-4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals A-LEells Family
Typescript unpublished manuscript by Earnest E. Eells: "The "colonization" of Liberia and the United States Navy at war with the slave-trader-pirates on the west coast of Africa: a narrative based on original journals, letters and ship logs" (728 pp) Box 330, Folder 5-6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals A-LEells Family
Typescript unpublished manuscript by Earnest E. Eells: "Theophilus Chamberlain" re. Sandeman loyalists and blacks who emigrated from Nova Scotia to Sierra Leone and Liberia (pp. 1-253), 1980 Box 331, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals A-LEells Family
Typescript unpublished manuscript by Earnest E. Eells: "Theophilus Chamberlain" re. Sandeman loyalists and blacks who emigrated from Nova Scotia to Sierra Leone and Liberia (pp. 248-396 and appendices), 1980 Box 332, Folder 1-3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection, 1692-2013Individuals A-LEells Family