"Hadad and Athargatis of Palmyra", undated Box 2, Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Additional Material, 1918-1981WritingsArticles [original order retained]
Hadrian & M. Aurelius, undated Box 12, Folder 123 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Manuscripts and Notes, 1922-1944, undatedHellenistic period - Social & Economic HistoryRoman Empire - notes
Hellenistic Egypt, 1937-1937 Box 3, Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Manuscripts and Notes, 1922-1944, undatedHellenistic period - notes
Hellenistic Egypt [Euergetes I, Philopatus, Epiphanus, Philemeter, Euergetes II, and later], undated Box 3, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Manuscripts and Notes, 1922-1944, undatedHellenistic period - notes
Hellenistic Egypt - Philadelphus, undated Box 3, Folder 20-21 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Manuscripts and Notes, 1922-1944, undatedHellenistic period - notes
Hellenistic history (Spring 1941) cont. of B. Welle's course, undated Box 3, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Manuscripts and Notes, 1922-1944, undatedHellenistic period - notes
Hellenistic Italy, 1926-1927 Box 28, Folder 172 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Lectures, 1920-1944Yale University and other institutions
Hellenistic Period Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Photographs, 1909-1919Section A
Hellenistic period - manuscripts Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Manuscripts and Notes, 1922-1944, undated
Hellenistic period - notes Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Michael Ivanovitch Rostovtzeff papers, 1918-2019Manuscripts and Notes, 1922-1944, undated