Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1833-1833 Box 5, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Kentucky15-01 Kentucky School of Medicine, 1826-1898Catalogs and announcements
Bell, John. Address to the medical students' Temperance Society, 1833-1833 Box 25, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Pennsylvania36-01 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1822-1919Ephemera and lectures
Pattinson, Granville S. "Has the Parotid Gland Ever Been Extirpated?", 1833-1833 Box 27, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Pennsylvania36-02 Jefferson Medical College of PhiladelphiaEphemera and lectures
Pattinson, Granville S. Introductory lectures, 1833-1833 Box 27, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Pennsylvania36-02 Jefferson Medical College of PhiladelphiaEphemera and lectures
Dickson, Samuel Henry. Introductory lecture, 1833-1833 Box 31, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965South Carolina38-01 Medical College of South Carolina, 1825-1914Ephemera and lectures
Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1833-1833 Box 33, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Vermont43-01 Castleton Medical College, Castleton, 1822-1932Catalogs and announcements
Announcement broadside, 1833-1833 Box 33, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Vermont43-01 Castleton Medical College, Castleton, 1822-1932Catalogs and announcements
Magill, Alfred T. Introductory lecture to physiology, 1833-1833 Box 34, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Virginia44-01 University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1833-1853Ephemera and lectures
44-01 University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1833-1853 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Virginia
Dunglison, Robley. Address delivered to the graduates in medicine, 1834-1834 Box 7, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Medical Historical Library Medical college catalogs, introductory and valedictory addresses, and ephemera collection, 1807-1965Maryland18-01 University of Maryland School of Medicine, 1828-1900Ephemera and lectures