1 ALS, on stationary of the Constitutional Club, from "An old friend of R. B. Co." [MC?] to the firm, [n.y.] Tues Box 2, Folder 44 Bookmark Collection Context Ray Livingston Murphy Bequest, 1885-1947, n.d.CORRESPONDENCE OF MARIE CORELLI
1 page of notes about 2 Corelli letters. In an unidentified hand, n.d. Box 2, Folder 50 Bookmark Collection Context Ray Livingston Murphy Bequest, 1885-1947, n.d.OTHER PAPERS
2 ALS (copies) from to "admirers", 1886 Nov 10 Box 2, Folder 43 Bookmark Collection Context Ray Livingston Murphy Bequest, 1885-1947, n.d.CORRESPONDENCE OF MARIE CORELLI