This series contains applications, family, and medical histories, observations, personality tests, and lists of children participants in the studies of normal separation-individuation conducted by Mahler and her co-workers from 1959-1969, and follow up studies conducted by John McDevitt during the 1970s. Data from the studies beginning in 1959 contains birth and general information about the children, consent forms, releases, observations and test results arranged alphabetically by the first name of the child. Data from subsequent studies is arranged by type of material and includes categories and ratings of the children by the research staff, reduced data for specific developmental stages, notes from film observations, research notebooks maintained for each child including observations, film notes, general information, follow-up summaries, and information about the mothers. Duplicate information found in the early and later studies is also located in this series. Materials documenting the methodology for the studies devised by Fred Pine, data from the follow-up studies conducted by John McDevitt from 1970-1977, as well as research conference minutes and testing schedules are also included in this series. In addition, microfiche sets of area observations, film notes, reduced data, narratives and general remarks of the children are also included in this series.