Rice, Mrs. Ellen F., 1906-1908 Box 21, Folder 575-576 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Correspondence, 1879-1932General Correspondence
Richard B. Sewall's digest of Mabel Loomis Todd's diaries, 1970-1979 Box 103, Folder 273 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Subject Files, 1865-1932William Austin Dickinson
Richards Brothers, 1916-1917 Box 124, Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Financial Records, 1882-1948Correspondence
Richard Sewall's notes on the William Austin Dickinson-Mabel Loomis Todd correspondence, 1970-1979 Box 101, Folder 237 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Subject Files, 1865-1932William Austin Dickinson
Richards, Laura E., 1911-1913 Box 21, Folder 577 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Correspondence, 1879-1932General Correspondence
Ridgefield Park, N.J., 1895-1898 Box 63, Folder 274 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Lectures, 1891-1931Correspondence
Riggs National Bank of Washington, 1909-1909 Box 124, Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Financial Records, 1882-1948Correspondence
Riviera Landscape Co., 1927-1927 Box 124, Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Financial Records, 1882-1948Correspondence
Ro, 1889-1932 Box 21, Folder 578 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Correspondence, 1879-1932General Correspondence
Robinson, Elizabeth (Mrs. Edward), 1890-1898 Box 21, Folder 579-580 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Mabel Loomis Todd papers, 1863-1948Correspondence, 1879-1932General Correspondence