With House in Hand , living room Box LTB 128, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 2. Personal papersGeneral topicsPropertiesNorth Lake Street
With House in Hand , photocopy of original configuration of items in binder Box LTB 128, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 2. Personal papersGeneral topicsPropertiesNorth Lake Street
With House in Hand , pool bath Box LTB 128, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 2. Personal papersGeneral topicsPropertiesNorth Lake Street
With House in Hand , porch Box LTB 128, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 2. Personal papersGeneral topicsPropertiesNorth Lake Street
With House in Hand , powder room Box LTB 128, Folder 09 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 2. Personal papersGeneral topicsPropertiesNorth Lake Street
Wolcott Box LTB 22, Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 1. Research and projectsLitchfield families
Wolcott Box LTB 51, Folder 13 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope No designation view more view less Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 1. Research and projectsLFA/LLS students and families
Wolcott, Oliver, Jr., house, Schnitzer Box LTB 64, Folder 01 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 1. Research and projectsPlace names, houses, properties
Wolf Pit farm Box LTB 64, Folder 02 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 1. Research and projectsPlace names, houses, properties
Women at Harvard conferences, 1979 Box LTB 121, Folder 09 Bookmark Collection Context The Litchfield Historical Society Lynne Templeton Brickley papers, 1930-2018Series 2. Personal papersEducationHarvard University