Breeding Association Meeting, Jan Poultry Meeting a Success, Breeding Association Meeting, Home Agents Activities, Harvester silo first three in New Milford National Home Demonstration Week, Artificial Breeders Annual meeting, Copper or galvanized pipe, Sheep represent profitable enterprise ( 2 copies) Major fire in Hunt Bldg forces relocation of FB, Ext3nsion, Production/Mktg serice, and Dairy Service nearby old Hunt bldg.; Elizabeth Perley now Asst State 4-H Leader Proposal to buy home to house all FB activies, Arlene Martin County club agent to attend Cornell Summer School, 4th Annual 4-H Camping Prog underway County Ag Center is contacting for purchase of Beach Block for FB and Extension Service housing, Robt Whitehead will lead membership drive 1951 County Ag Center purchased for FB and Extension, (fire forced the relocation), Beach Block (picture); Herman Walther is new President of Ag Center Sep 12 - purchase of Beach Block for $20,000, 30 year 4% bonds; to be remodeled (another $15k) large tobacco crop may force marketing quotas Harry Bryson Amer FB speaks at Ann Mtng, Farm Credit Admin moves to Ag Center, Farm Bureau And Extension Partnership, Turkey Day at UCONN County Wide Dairy Meeting, What's Ahead Farm Machinery, Poultry Meeting (2 copies) Establishment of CT Dept of Agriculture, Dairy Meeting Cattle Diseases, Sheep Growers Meet ( 2 copies) Mrs Carl Coleman (Farm Bureau Execuive BD; Bonding needed for Litchfield County Agricultural Center, Last Dairy Meeting, Edna Sommerfeld Picture, She began duties to leader of program to determine needs and interests of young peple and how Extension can help them; First transplanted calf embryo, Barn ConstructionTour, County Homemaker meet, 162 Girls enter County Dress Revue, 4-Heers Hold Food Show UCONN College of Ag Events, Rudy Goldbeck to direct 1952 membership campaign, 4-H camp open on Jly 1st, Broiler Day names King and Queen AG Center Plans Open House (Litchfield), George Dudley Recognized Ct Pasture Day to be Held, Bloat - Cause and Prevention Membership Campaign begins, Farm Machinery Day, Ag Center Opens Doors, tota List of Mebers of Litchfield Farm Bureau, 4-H Club News Replacement by regional Information Centers - do away with Extension Service; 600 people attend ag event, Vigilante Service Pay to LeGeyt St Bureau Mtng coming to Torrington; County Annual mtng at Warren; 1952 memberhip campaign successful, What does Farm bureau Do (pg 9) Annual Rpt of FB Pres Ruwet, Mrs burton Leffingwell, SR $-H leader attned Nationial 4-H congress; NE Rural Youth Meeting; Cornell UNIV Farm Inc/Exp Comparisons