Charles Loring Greely (1794-1867) was a student at the Litchfield Law School in 1813-1814. His 3 volumes of law lecture notes (numbered by the Litchfield Historical Society staff) are titled on the bindings as "Reeve's and Gould's Lectures". The title page of Vol. 1 reads "Lectures on Municipal Law and Private Relations by the Hon. Judge Reeve and James Gould Esq. delivered at their Law Institution Litchfield, Conn. A.D. 1813-1814". Vol. 1 includes Municipal Law, Parent and Child, Baron and Feme, Executors and Administrators; Vol. 2 includes Lex Mercatoria, Contracts, Actions, Bailments; and Vol. 3 includes Real Property. Only Vol. 3 has a binding label remaining - Reeves & Goulds Lectures/Real Property.