Photocopy of an article titled "Law School at Litchfield" from the United States Law Journal and Civilian's Magazine, 1823 p. 400-405. Includes a letter written by James Gould describing methods of teaching at the Law School.
Address by Samuel H. Fisher delivered at the Tapping Reeve House Litchfield, Connecticut before the Litchfield Historical Society August 29, 1930 printed by the Enquirer Print, Litchfield, Connecticut.
This collection includes materials pertaining to Tapping Reeve, James Gould, the Litchfield Law School, and alumni of the school. It was assembled by the Historical Society over a period of years. Many of the law books used by Reeve and his students are also held by the Society and can be found through the book catalog. The Society's institutional records document the history of the Tapping Reeve House and Litchfield Law School building.
Two volumes of Reports of the Cases disputed and determined in Mr. Reeve's Offices and a two page document listing rules for the Society formed by students for the purpose of disputing questions.
This volume dates 8 Dec 1796 - 28 Jul 1797. Lists the students who participated in the moot court as well as minutes of the cases argued and Tapping Reeve's input on the rulings made. Note: Bound Volumes shelved with Litchfield Law School Student Notebooks