Engineering Dept., 1905-1915 Box 79, Folder 1308 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence of John C. Schwab, 1861-1918 (bulk 1904-1917)
Engineering, Electrical Box 169, Folder 2198 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Non-Library File, 1918-1938
Engineering Index Service, 1928-1935 Box 31, Folder 343 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Correspondence, 1918-1938
Engineering Library, 1939-1949 Box 36, Folder 521 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1908-1959Correspondence, 1938-1950
Engineering, library reports Box 169, Folder 2199 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Non-Library File, 1918-1938
Engineering Magazine Co., 1907-1916 Box 77, Folder 1272 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence of John C. Schwab, 1861-1918 (bulk 1904-1917)
Engineering, mechanical Box 169, Folder 2200 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Non-Library File, 1918-1938
Engineering Societies Library, J921-1927· Box 31, Folder 344 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Correspondence, 1918-1938
Engineers club of SSS Box 169, Folder 2194 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Non-Library File, 1918-1938
Engineer's Report, 1950 Box 116, Folder 1595 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1908-1959Subject file, 1938-1950