Ell-Ely, 1939-1950 Box 34, Folder 496 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1908-1959Correspondence, 1938-1950
Elliott machine for Mimeographing, 1930 Box 115, Folder 1263 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Subject File, 1918-1938Cards -Printing
Ellis, Ellery W., 1905 Box 54, Folder 680 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence of John C. Schwab, 1861-1918 (bulk 1904-1917)
Ellis, Richard (Dr.), 1925-1927 Box 31, Folder 342 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Correspondence, 1918-1938
Elmer, May Custer (Mrs.), 1939-1941 Box 36, Folder 518 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1908-1959Correspondence, 1938-1950
Eln-Ely, 1951-1964 Box 26, Folder 354 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1950-1965Correspondence, 1951-1964
Elsevier Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Records of the University Librarian, 1993-2005Records of Joan Emmet, Director, Northeast Library Consortium (NERL)
Elsevier 2000 Box 1, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Records of the University Librarian, 1993-2005Records of Joan Emmet, Director, Northeast Library Consortium (NERL)Elsevier
Elsevier 2002 - License Agreement Info (notes/emails), 2002 Box 1, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Records of the University Librarian, 1993-2005Records of Joan Emmet, Director, Northeast Library Consortium (NERL)Elsevier
Elsevier 2003 Box 1, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Records of the University Librarian, 1993-2005Records of Joan Emmet, Director, Northeast Library Consortium (NERL)Elsevier