Edgerton, Franklin, 1926-1937 Box 30, Folder 332 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Correspondence, 1918-1938
Edgerton, Franklin, 1939-1945 Box 35, Folder 511 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1908-1959Correspondence, 1938-1950
Edinburgh, 1923-1937 Box 30, Folder 333 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Correspondence, 1918-1938
Edinburgh Conference, 1927 Box 59, Folder 626 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Correspondence, 1918-1938Library Association
Edition 1 Box 24, Folder 351 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Records of the Yale University Librarian concerning budgets, 1911-1968Library budget, 1968-1969Appendix and five-year projections
Editorial Committee (Liaison Representative from LAD), 1957 Box 90, Folder 1281 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1950-1965Subject File, 1951-1964American Library Association
Editorial projects administration, 1977-1977 Box 5, Folder 104 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Records of the Yale University Librarian, 1977
Editorial Projects - Administration of, 1979-1979 Box 5, Folder 95 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Records of the Yale University Librarian, 1979
Education Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1901-1950Correspondence, 1918-1938
Educational Policy, Committee of Corporation, 1954-1963 Box 137, Folder 1736 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Librarian, Yale University records, 1701-2019Correspondence and subject files, 1950-1965Non-Library File, 1951-1964