[Subjects Include: Estimate of Machines, Tools, and Gauges for the manufacture of 100 Guns per 10 hours of the Lee - Metford System, Estimates of Machines, Tools, and Gauges for the manufacture of 170 rifles per day of 9 hours of Mauser 1903 patent, Proposals: Triax VII Machining center, Aztec 15 Horizontal Machining Center, TapeMate E Machining Center with D.C. Spindle Drive, Trimax X Verticle Machining Center with Fanuc, Model 6M Microprocessor, Proposed method of manufacturing barrel, body, and trigger guard for the Lee - Enfield Mark III Short Service Rifle, Proposal for machines, special fixtures, tools, and gages for manufacturing gun barrels for Savage Arms Company, Proposal for manufacturing Mauser Rifles, Proposal Power Plant]